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當代財經 頁數: 13 2019-08-15
摘要: 選取2000—2011年中國、美國、英國、日本和德國的服務業(yè)附加值貿易數據,研究了中國服務業(yè)各行業(yè)參與全球價值鏈分工的程度和國際分工地位,并探討了中國與四個貿易伙伴國之間的服務業(yè)比較優(yōu)勢。研究發(fā)現,中國服務業(yè)參與國際分工的程度正逐漸加深,但仍處于全球價值鏈下游位置;總體來看,中國服務業(yè)對日本和德國具有比較優(yōu)勢,對英國具有比較劣勢,而對美國由稍具優(yōu)勢轉為略遜一籌;不同服務行業(yè)的國際分工地位變化和雙邊貿易比較優(yōu)勢狀況各異。
By selecting the value-added trade data of service industry in China, the United States,the United Kingdom, Japan and Germany from 2000 to 2011, this paper studies the degree of China's service industries participating in the global division of value chain and the positions in international division of labor, then it explores the comparative advantage of service industry between China and the four trading partners. The findings show that the degree of China's service industry participating in international division of labor is gradually deepening, but it is still at the downstream position of global value chain. On the whole, China's service industry has comparative advantages over Japan and Germany, while it has comparative disadvantages over Britain, as for United States, China's service industry has changed from slightly superior to slightly inferior. For different service industries,changes in the positions of international division of labor and the comparative advantages of bilateral trade are different.

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