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中國公共衛(wèi)生 頁數(shù): 4 2018-08-17 11:44
摘要: 目的了解北京市成熟社區(qū)居家老人應急救護能力現(xiàn)狀。方法采用偶遇抽樣方法,于2017年1月在朝陽區(qū)3個街道內,使用自行設計的調查問卷進行調查,共發(fā)出調查問卷498份,回收有效問卷496份。結果調查對象應急救護知識平均知曉率為66.8%,具備基本應急救護知識的調查對象占53.0%;知曉率前3位的依次為"救護車呼叫號碼""中風辨別"和"跌倒處理",知曉率最低的兩項為"氣道異物梗阻辨別"和"中暑處理"?;橐鰻顩r、家庭年收入和文化程度是影響調查對象基本應急救護知識水平的因素。多因素logistic回歸分析顯示,較高文化程度是影響社區(qū)老人基本應急救護知識水平的保護因素,高中/職高/中專文化程度的社區(qū)老人比識字很少/小學文化程度的具備基本應急救護知識的可能性高4.059倍(95%CI=2.184~7.545)。86.1%調查對象未接受過應急救護相關培訓,79.2%調查對象認為"急救是生存的基本技能之一"。結論北京市成熟社區(qū)老人應急救護能力有待提高。
Objective To examine the status quo of first aid ability among home-dwelling elderly in mature communities in Beijing. Methods Using accidental sampling and a self-designed questionnaire, we conducted a survey among498 permanent residents aged ≥ 65 years in 3 mature communities in Chaoyang district of Beijing during January 2017.Results The average awareness rate of first aid knowledge was 66.8% for the 496 elderly completing the survey and 53.0%of the respondents reported basic first aid knowledge. The respondents reported higher awareness rates for phone number for calling ambulance, discrimination of stroke, and dealing with falling and lower awareness rates for discrimination of foreign body in respiratory tract and heatstroke treatment. The respondents ′ basic first aid knowledge was influenced by marital status, annual household income, and education. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that higher education was a significant promoting factor for respondents′ basic first aid knowledge; the respondents with senior high school/vocational high school/technical secondary school were more likely to have basic first aid knowledge than those with little literacy/primary school education(odds ratio = 4.059, 95% confidence interval: 2.184 – 7.545). There were 86.1% of the respondents not having received any training on first aid and 79.2% considering first aid as one of basic skills for survival. Conclusion First aid ability of elderly residents in mature communities of Beijing city needs to be improved.

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