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中國(guó)燒傷創(chuàng)瘍雜志 頁數(shù): 1 2012-07-22
摘要: 大面積深度燒傷的治療在高海拔的甘孜藏族自治州一直是個(gè)難題。臨床實(shí)踐證明,皮膚原位再生醫(yī)療技術(shù)(MEBT/MEBO)在高原藏區(qū)治療大面積深度燒傷有效地提高了患者的生存率,降低了愈后殘疾率,操作簡(jiǎn)便、費(fèi)用低廉、療效快、實(shí)用性強(qiáng)。技術(shù)要點(diǎn):必須規(guī)范應(yīng)用MEBT/MEBO,早期及時(shí)清創(chuàng),耕耘、薄化,使壞死組織液化排除;病房溫度保持在28℃~30℃,濕度在50%以上以發(fā)揮最佳藥效;及時(shí)、高效、足量使用抗生素,有效控制感染后,及時(shí)停用抗生素;給予靜脈高營(yíng)養(yǎng);預(yù)防并發(fā)癥:常規(guī)應(yīng)用破傷風(fēng)抗毒素;重癥患者早期行氣管切開;避免多器官功能衰竭;預(yù)防深靜脈血栓形成,改善心、腦、腎血液循環(huán);預(yù)防應(yīng)激性潰瘍發(fā)生等。下圖是臨床應(yīng)用的典型病例圖片,詳細(xì)病例資料清觀看本期雜志所附光盤。
The treatment of extensive deep burns is always a tough problem in the high-altitude Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.Clinical practice has proved that MEBT/MEBO can be used to treat extensive deep burns in plaleat,area and effectively improve the survival rate of patients,reduce the disability rate after healing with the characteristics of easy-to-operate, low expense,fast therapeutic efficacy and high practical applicability.The key points of applying MEBT/MEBO are as fol- lows:apply MEBT/EMBO standardly with timely debridement and incision as well as thinning at an early stage so as to liquefy and remove necrotic tissues;the ward temperature should be 28℃30℃and the humility be>50%to make sure the best medicatinn effect;timely administer large amount of antibiotics systemically and timely stop the use of antibiotics once the infeetion is well controlled;provide nutrition byⅠ.Ⅴ.;prevent co,nplication,use teranus antitoxin routinely;perform tracheotomy at early time for severe patients;avoid the failure of multiple organs;prevent venous thrombosis;imp,'ove the circulation of heart,brain and kidney;prevent stress ulceration and so on. The figures below are the typical clinical cases and pleases refer to the accompanying DVD with the current issue of the Journal for more detai|ed case data.

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