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中國燒傷創(chuàng)瘍雜志 頁數(shù): 1 2012-07-22
摘要: 難愈性創(chuàng)面的治療是一個非常棘手的臨床難題日前的治療方法為:1.r術治療:植皮、皮瓣移植、肌皮瓣移植等整形外科手段;2.非手術治療:負壓真空吸引、局部應用各種藥物等手術治療存在著創(chuàng)面愈合率低、風險高、費用高、愈合質量差等缺點..ME:BT/MEBO作為一種非手術治療方法,強調利用l創(chuàng)面I『自身的I{再,¨潛能,通過為創(chuàng)面提供原位再生復原的生理濕潤環(huán)境和再生營養(yǎng)物質,實現(xiàn)創(chuàng)面的原位{j再生復原,即生理性的創(chuàng)面愈合j通過應用MEB.r/MEB0對燒傷殘余創(chuàng)面、外傷后皮膚缺損壞死創(chuàng)面、末節(jié)指骨離斷創(chuàng)面等的治療,取得r創(chuàng)面生理性愈合、患者痛苦小、費用低的良好療效下圖是臨床應用的典型病例圖片,詳細病例資料請觀行本期雜志所附光盤
The treatment of refractory wound is a tough clinical problem.The current treatment methods are:1.plastic surgery:skin grafting,flap transplantation,muscle flap transplantation,etc.;2.non-surgical treatment:the negative pressure vacuum,the local application of various drugs.The surgical treatment has drawbacks like low wound healing rate,high risks,high costs and poor quality of healing.MEBT/MEBO as a non-surgical treatment method emphasizes the use of regenerative potential of the wound to realize the in situ regenerative restoration of" the wound by maintaining the physiological moist environment and providing regenerative nutrients,namely,to realize the physiological wound healing.By the application of MEBT/MEBO in the treatment of residual burn wounds,post-traumatic skin-defected and necrotic wound,severed distal phalanx wound and etc.,the wounds realized excellent therapeutic,efficacy including physiological healing,less pain,and lower expense and etc. The figures below show you the typical clinical cases,and please refer to the accompanying DVD with the current issue of the Journal for more detailed case data.

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