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中國燒傷創(chuàng)瘍雜志 頁數(shù): 3 2012-03-22
摘要: 目的總結(jié)燒傷濕潤包扎療法在本院的臨床應(yīng)用情況,進一步完善燒傷濕性醫(yī)療技術(shù)的學術(shù)體系。方法規(guī)范采用徐榮祥教授發(fā)明的燒傷濕性醫(yī)療技術(shù)治療燒傷創(chuàng)面,用均勻涂抹MEBO的TJ燒傷敷料覆蓋創(chuàng)面,再用自粘式彈力繃帶無壓包扎,每日換藥1~2次,觀察療效。結(jié)果淺Ⅱ度創(chuàng)面5 d~7 d自行愈合,深Ⅱ度淺型創(chuàng)面14 d~20 d天自行愈合,深Ⅱ度深型創(chuàng)面28 d左右愈合,Ⅲ度淺型創(chuàng)面40 d左右愈合,Ⅲ度深型創(chuàng)面治療4周后植皮封閉創(chuàng)面;混合Ⅱ度燒傷患者無明顯發(fā)熱癥狀,部分深Ⅱ度深型以上燒傷患者有中度發(fā)熱,但極少高熱;無1例并發(fā)細菌及真菌感染。結(jié)論使用燒傷濕潤包扎療法治療燒傷創(chuàng)面能保證創(chuàng)面濕潤不干燥,易于清創(chuàng),患者痛苦小,能更好地保護創(chuàng)面,促進創(chuàng)面愈合。
Objective To summarize the clinical application experience of Bandaging Therapy in our hospital and to further improve the academic system of MEBT/MEBO.Methods The wounds were treated with MEBT/MEBO which was invented by Professor XU Rong-xiang.The wounds were evenly covered with the TJ bum dressing filling with MEBO and bandaged with a self-adhesive elastic bandage.The dressing was changed once a day.Results The superficialⅡdegree wounds healed spontaneously at day 5 - day 7 and the superficial type deepⅡdegree wound automatically healed at day 14 - day20 while the deep type deepⅡdegree wound healed at about day 28.The superficialⅢdegree wounds healed at day 40 while deepⅢdegree wounds were closed by a skin graft at 4 weeks.Patients with mixedⅡdegree bum did not show signs of fever while some of the patients with deep typeⅡdegree burn had a moderate fever but rarely showed signs of hyperthermia. Moreover,no one developed bacterial and fungal infection.Conclusion Application of bandage therapy in the treatment of burns can prevent the wound from dryness with advantages of easy debridement,less pain,short course of treatment and also can protect the wound and improve wound healing.

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