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中國燒傷創(chuàng)瘍雜志 頁數(shù): 2 2011-11-22
摘要: 目的探討嚴重燒傷(重度和特重度)急性滲出期,采用燒傷濕性醫(yī)療技術(MEBT/MEBO)防治早期休克的臨床效果。方法總結(jié)5年來,我院對56例嚴重燒傷急性滲出期,采用MEBT/MEBO治療的病歷資料,分析他們的休克發(fā)生率和液體實際輸入量,推導出他們的補液計算參數(shù)。結(jié)果 56例患者均平穩(wěn)度過休克期,未發(fā)現(xiàn)休克病例,心、腎功能正常;第1個24h每1%燒傷面積計算補液參數(shù)為0.9~1.25,第2個24h為0.5~0.65。結(jié)論嚴重燒傷急性滲出期采用MEBT/MEBO治療,可有效防治早期休克,減少輸液量。
Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of MEBT/MEBO in preventing and treating early shock in the exudation phase of severe burn(severe and extraordinarily severe).Methods Summarize clinical data of 56 cases of severe burn patients at the exudation phase in our hospital during the past 5 years,analyze their incidence of shock and actual amount of fluid infusion in order to calculate the parameters of fluid replacement.Results The 56 patients were all stable during the shock stage with normal heart,kidney function;fluid replacement parameter of per 1%TBSA is 0.9~1.25 during the first 24 h,0.5~0.65 during the second 24 h.Conclusion MEBT/MEBO is effective in preventing and treating early shock,reducing amount of fluid infusion at the exudation phase of severe burn.

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