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中國燒傷創(chuàng)瘍雜志 頁數(shù): 3 2011-09-22
摘要: 目的迄今,燒傷濕性醫(yī)療技術(MEBT/MEBO)及其核心藥物濕潤燒傷膏(MEBO)已廣泛應用于各種類型燒傷的治療,而且取得了良好的治療效果。然而,仍有些單位不規(guī)范運用這項新技術,影響了創(chuàng)面愈合過程和患者的康復效果本文旨在通過對1組病例治療效果的總結,分析它對創(chuàng)面治療效果所產(chǎn)生的影響方法本組共34例44處創(chuàng)面,全程外用MEBO摻和大黃、黃連、紅花、乳香、沒藥、冰片等中藥粉劑治療,對他們的病歷資料進行回顧性總結,找出所存在的問題,進行分析。結果 34例44處創(chuàng)面均有干燥表現(xiàn),12例(處)創(chuàng)面的感染發(fā)生率為35.3%,深Ⅱ度淺型創(chuàng)面愈合時間均大于3W,深Ⅱ度深型創(chuàng)面治療1個月尚未完全愈合,淺Ⅲ度創(chuàng)面治療2個月后愈合,深度創(chuàng)面愈合后的瘢痕發(fā)生率為38.2%。結論 MEBO摻和大黃、黃連、紅花、乳香、沒藥、冰片等中藥粉劑屬于不規(guī)范應用燒傷濕性醫(yī)療技術范疇,它影響了創(chuàng)面愈合過程和患者的康復效果,因此規(guī)范應用MEBT/MEBO勢在必行
Objective MEBT/MEBO with its core drug MEBO has been widely used in the treatment of varied types of burn and achieved good therapeutic effects.However,wound healing and recovery can be deeply affected by inappropriate use of this brand new technique.This paper is aimed at analyzing the influence of inappropriate application on the effect for wound treatment by summarizing the therapeutic effects in one group of patients.Methods A Total of 34 cases of patients with 44 wounds in this group were administered topically with MEBO combined with other herbal powders like rhubarb, coptis,red flower,frankincense,mvrrh,borneol during the whole course of treatment.Their clinical data were retrospectively reviewed and the problems were found and analyzed.Results A total of 34 cases of patients with 44 wounds all show the signs of drying,the infection rate(12 cases of infected burn) is 35.3%.Conclusion In the application of MEBT/MEBO,it is not standardized to combine MEBO with herbal powder like rhubarb,coptis,red flower,frankincense, myrrh and borneol,which interferes wound healing and patients' recovery.Therefore,standard use of MEBT/MEBO is urgently required.

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