· 句意 ·別擔憂前行的路途上沒有知心朋友,普天下有誰不認識你呢?熱情鼓勵遠行的朋友抖擻精神,滿懷信心踏上新的征程。· 英譯 ·Dont worry about that there isnt an intimate friend on the way. Who doesnt know you in this world? To encourage the friend ......(本文共 248 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 · 句意 ·別擔憂前行的路途上沒有知心朋友,普天下有誰不認識你呢?熱情鼓勵遠行的朋友抖擻精神,滿懷信心踏上新的征程。· 英譯 ·Dont worry about that there isnt an intimate friend on the way. Who doesnt know you in this world? To encourage the friend ......(本文共 248 字) [閱讀本文] >>