· 句意 ·年富力強的歲月不會再來,就如一天過去不會再回到早晨。表達應珍惜一去不復返的好時光,努力有所作為?!? 英譯 ·Blooming age cant come back again just like the morning can never appear again when the day passed.To emphasize that good time will n......(本文共 311 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 · 句意 ·年富力強的歲月不會再來,就如一天過去不會再回到早晨。表達應珍惜一去不復返的好時光,努力有所作為?!? 英譯 ·Blooming age cant come back again just like the morning can never appear again when the day passed.To emphasize that good time will n......(本文共 311 字) [閱讀本文] >>