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皮膚病臨床及組織病理圖譜 共有 27 個詞條內容


    Typical Clinical Features(1)The characteristic pink-violet erythema occurs symmetrically on the eyelids,also spreads onto the cheeks,the V area of the neck and the upper chest.(2)Scaly purple papules on the extensor aspects of the metacarpophalangeal and ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Typical Clinical Features Two major clinical subtypes:localized(limited)and systemic scleroderma(diffuse).(1)The characteristic lesion of localized scleroderma:a localized ivory white sclerotic plaque with a violaceous halo slowly develops into a brown or...[繼續(xù)閱讀]



    Typical Clinical FeaturesThere are several clinical subtypes:pemphigus vulgaris,pemphigus vegetans,pemphigus foliaceus,pemphigus erythematosus,pemphigus herpetiformis,IgA pemphigus and para-neoplastic pemphigus.(1)Pemphigus vulgaris:characteristic lesions...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


8.Bullous Pemphigoid

    Typical Clinical Features(1)More common in the elderly. The trunk and flexor aspects of limbs are preferred sites.(2)Typical lesions present as tight dome-shaped blisters with serous fluid on normal or erythematous skin. The walls of blisters are thick an...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


9.Erythema Nodosum

    Typical Clinical Features(1)Often occur in young women between ages 20 to 40.(2)Clinically,the lesions are generally distributed symmetrically on the anterior aspects of the lower legs,which manifest as slightly raised,erythematous and tender nodules with...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


1.Seborrheic Keratosis(SK)

    Typical Clinical PresentationSK more commonly present as multiple,pigmented,sharply demarcated lesions. They may present as macules,papules or even plaques,depending on their stage of development.Fig 3.1 Seborrheic keratosis(the early stage)Fig 3.2 Sebo...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


2.Actinic Keratosis(AK)

    Typical Clinical Features(1)AK mostly presents on sun-exposed skin of the face,neck,forearms and dorsal hands.(2)The primary lesion is a rough erythematous papule with white to yellow dry scales.Fig 3.9 Actinic keratosisTypical Pathological Features(1)Ep...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.Bowen’s Disease (Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ)

    Typical Clinical Features(1)The most common lesion is an erythematous patch or slightly elevated plaque with scales or thick crust.(2)The lesion is irregularly shaped with well-demarcated borders showing mild erythema.Fig 3.12 Bowen’s DiseaseTypical Path...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


4.Squamous Cell Carcinoma(SCC)

    Typical Clinical Features(1)Lesions usually appear as indurated or firm,erythematous to skin-colored papules or nodules,but can be plaque-like,papillomatous or exophytic and usually hard.(2)The lesion can be a nodule with a burrow-like appearance or has a...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


5.Extramammary Paget’s Disease

    Typical Clinical Features(1)Lesions often present as moist red patches and plaques with well-demarcated borders.(2)Surface erosions,oozing and crusting are common findings.(3)Some lesions will show verrucous and papillomatous appearance.Fig 3.22 Extramam...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
