(過去式、過去分詞abode) vt.1.忍受,容忍:Thomas can never abide sulks.托馬斯無法容忍別人生悶氣。2.經(jīng)受住;頂住: abide the attack of enemy`s cannons頂住敵人的炮火(襲擊)3.等候,守候: He abides his time.他在等候時機。vi.1.停留: 等候2.居住: 逗留:They ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
(過去式、過去分詞abode) vt.1.忍受,容忍:Thomas can never abide sulks.托馬斯無法容忍別人生悶氣。2.經(jīng)受住;頂住: abide the attack of enemy`s cannons頂住敵人的炮火(襲擊)3.等候,守候: He abides his time.他在等候時機。vi.1.停留: 等候2.居住: 逗留:They ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
n.1.能力(指體力或智力);行事能力,資格:Jack lost his ability to walk and had to depend on a wheelchair.杰克失去了行走的能力,只得借助輪椅。2.能耐,本領(lǐng):He is a man of great ability.他是個本領(lǐng)高強的人。3.專門技能;天才;天資:manifold abilities 多方面的才...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
adj.1.絕望無助的; 糟透的:The black girl was in an abject situation. 這個黑人女孩處于一種絕望無助的境地。abject failure慘敗 2.卑鄙的,可鄙的: an abject coward可鄙的懦夫 3.卑躬屈膝的;自卑的:He is poor but not abjeet.他雖然貧窮,但并不卑躬屈膝。a...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt. 1.棄絕; 發(fā)誓放棄:make pagans abjure their religion使異教徒發(fā)誓放棄他們的教派2.避免;節(jié)制,戒去:abjure extravagance戒除鋪張浪費abjuratory adj.鄭重發(fā)誓的...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
adj.[一般作表語]1.著火的:The wooden house was ablaze after the big explosion,resulting in the death of three young people.大爆炸后木屋起火,造成3個年輕人死亡。2.閃耀的: The hall was ablaze with lights.大廳里燈火通明。3.熱烈的,激烈的:Alexander`s face was ablaze...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Ⅰ.adj.[一般作表語]開著花,開滿花:The little round pond is abloom with daffodils. 圓形小池塘開滿了水仙花。Ⅱ.adv.開著花,開滿花...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Ⅰ.adj.洗滌的;凈化的 Ⅱ.n.洗滌劑;去污劑...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
Ⅰ.adj.[一般作表語]紅著臉的:ablush for the failure in the exam因考試沒及格而羞紅臉 Ⅱ.adv.紅著臉:Ablush,she ran away.她紅著臉跑開了。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt. 1.克制: He abnegated himself in life.他過著恬淡的生活。2.放棄:abnegate religion放棄宗教3.交出(權(quán)力等): abnegate ones power交出權(quán)力abnegation n.克制;放棄;否認...[繼續(xù)閱讀]