vt&i1. vt 加上,把……加上去①常接用介詞 to。Please ~ a sufficient quantity of spare parts to this order. 請在這批定貨中加上足夠數(shù)量的備件。② ~ 可表示“進一步說明”,后面接用that從句。We would like to ~ that we can make immediate shipment. 我們...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt&i1. vt 加上,把……加上去①常接用介詞 to。Please ~ a sufficient quantity of spare parts to this order. 請在這批定貨中加上足夠數(shù)量的備件。② ~ 可表示“進一步說明”,后面接用that從句。We would like to ~ that we can make immediate shipment. 我們...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
n(U,C)1. n(U,C) 增加The price specified shall be increased or decreased by the ~ orsubstraction of such freight increase or decrease. 所列的價格應隨運費的增減而增減?!挤戳x詞語〗 ~/deduction,substraction2. in ~ to 除……外in ~ to 中的 to 是介詞,后面可以接用...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
n(C),vt1. n(C) 地址,通信處①郵寄包裹和信封上的所謂~,有時包括受信人的姓名,有時不包括。例如,下列第一句中包括,第二句中不包括:Please put the full~on the parcel. 請在包裹上寫上收件人的詳細地址。Please let us know if you change your ~....[繼續(xù)閱讀]
adj 足夠的,適當?shù)蘑佟蟪=佑胻o (a need)或for (a purpose)介詞短語,間或接用動詞不定式。Fifty tons of Groundnuts is [are]~for our requirements.=Fifty tons of Groundnuts is [are]~to meet our requirements.50噸花生可滿足我方的需要。② ~(還有enough,sufficie...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vi 堅持(原則、政策等)經常接用介詞to。We wish to assure you that we ~ to our policy of providing highquality products at competitive prices. 我們保證,我們要堅持按有競爭性的價格供應高質量的產品的原則?!纪x詞語〗 ~ to,insist on,persist in三者所“...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt1. vt 調整,使適應①We have ~ed the L/C as requested. 我們已按要求修改了信用證。We have ~ed our prices upwards [downwards]. 我們已調高〔低〕了我們的價格。②常和介詞 to 連用。Owing to the sharp advance in cost,we have to ~ our selling pricesto the new s...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
n(U,C) 調整,修改It is necessary to make ~ in price. 有必要調整價格。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt&i1.vt 承認① We have presented a claim to the underwriters through yourfirm but they refused to ~ liability. 我們已通過你公司向保險商提出索賠,但他們拒絕負責。②可接用動名詞,但不可接用動詞不定式。We ~ having promised to grant this rate of discoun...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt 采取,采用Buyers seem to have ~ed a wait-and-see attitude. 看來買主已采取觀望態(tài)度。...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
vt&i,adj ,n(C)1. vt 提前Your office asked us to ~ shipment of the first lot to April. 你公司曾要求我們將第一批貨物的裝運期提前至4月?!挤戳x詞語〗 ~ / postpone2. vt 提高(價格等)As the price has now ~d,we can not accept a repeat order. 由于目前價格上漲...[繼續(xù)閱讀]