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合成革專業(yè)英語 共有 29 個詞條內(nèi)容

Lesson 3 Milling and polishing

    Generally high-grade synthetic leather should undergo finishing process. Through variousfinishing,the softness,smoothness and gloss of leather can be increased,or pattern varieties areimproved,such as suede,dry-milled leather,boarded leather and embossed ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 4 Surface treatment

    The synthetic leather industry in China develop rapidly,especially in recent years,with theapplication of new materials and new post-processing technology,the varieties of products getgreat development,and the leather with special effect has been used con...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 1 Introduction to microfiber

    7.1.1 The definition and development of microfiberAt present,the microfiber has no accurate definition in the world. The definitions given byevery country are slightly different,but they all take the line density as standard. If the linedensity of PET is ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 2 The manufacturing principle and process flow of sea-island fiber

    7.2.1 The manufacturing principle of sea-island fiberThe spinning principle of unfigured sea-island fiber is as follows. Under certain conditionstwo (or more) thermodynamically incompatible polymer blend together,in which one of polymers(dispersed phase) ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 3 The after-spinning technology of sea-island fiber

    7.3.1 Collection7.3.1.1 MethodsThe purpose of collection is to combine the separate tow together to achieve reasonable lineardensity. There are usually one-step and two-step process.One-step methodThe tow ejected from several spinneret combined together t...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 4 Dyes and dyeing

    Dyeing is the processing in which the fiber or other polymer materials are endowed withcolor. The dyes combine with the dyed materials,or the dyes are generated on the dyeing materialby chemical methods,which can make the dyed materials become colored. Th...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 5 Dyeing methods

    There are many dyeing methods to microfiber. It can be divided into jig dyeing,overflowdyeing and airflow dyeing according to the equipments. Basing on the process it is divided intohigh-temperature and high-pressure method,and low-temperature and normal-...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 1 The defects of synthetic leather

    8.1.1 Pinhole or bubbleThe pinhole is the film ( or part) is penetrated by holes and the small bubble is on the surfaceof film. The main reason for the formation of pinholes and bubble is that there is no reasonablebalance between the evaporation rate and...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


Lesson 2 The tested properties of synthetic leather

    On the following pages we will outline the items that indicate the properties of syntheticleather. These chemical and physical properties can be determined or measured.(1) The water resistanceIt mainly is used to measure the degree of water resistance of ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
