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工程流體力學英文 共有 180 個詞條內容

3.2.1 Euler method on the classification of fluid

    1. Steady flow and unsteady flow(1) Steady flow is the flow whose motion factors (such as flow,density,pressureand viscosity) don’t change with time. That is:So acceleration of euler at constant flow is a=(μ·▽)u.(2) Unsteady flow is the flow that at least...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.2.2 The description of flow

    Three types of curves are commonly used to describe fluid motion-streamlines,pathlines,and streaklines. These are defined and described here assuming that the fluidvelocity vector,V,is known at every point of space and instant of time throughout theregion...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.2.3 Streamtube,tube flow,cross section,and discharge

    1. StreamtubeConsider a closed curve(not streamline) in the flow field,then draw streamlinesthrough every point on it,so as to form a tube-shaping space whose walls arestreamlines. This tube is called the streamtube(see Fig. 3-7).2. Tube flowFluid fulling...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.2.4 The character of gradually varied flow in cross section

    Two important properties of gradually varied flow in cross section:(1) Flow cross-section of gradually varied flow is approximately flat. Direction ofvelocity approximately parallel to each point in cross section.(2) The hydrodynamic pressure of gradually...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.3.1 Composition of fluid parcel motion

    The particle is micelles,micellar motions were decomposited the Helmholtz.Motion of fluid particle may be subjected to translation,rotation and deformation(including linear deformation and angular deformation). Actually,many movement offluid was combined ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.3.2 Rotation motion of fluid parcel

    It is antisymmetric so its diagonal elements are zero and its off-diagonal elementsare equal and opposite. Furthermore,its three independent elements can be put incorrespondence with a vector.Defining O: (u,v),A: (uA,vA)dt:SimilarlySoDefiningSimilarly...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.3.3 Rotational flow and irrotational flow

    Rotational flow is also called Vortex flow. The fluid particles of rotational flowrotate about its axis,and is independent of motion path. One of the three components(ωx,ωy,ωz) of the rotation is not zero at least.Rotational flow or irrotational flow depe...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.4.1 Continuity equation for fluid motion

    1. The general form of basic equation for steady flowTake a six-sided infinitesimal as control body in the flow field,which side lengthare dx,dy,dz. Control body is a designated space in the flow field,its shape,positionfixed so that fluid may not be affe...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.4.2 Differential equation of ideal fluid motion

    1. Stress analysisAs can be seen in Fig. 3-12,take a differential element hexahedral with a center (x,y,z) in ideal fluid. Its side length are dx,dy,dz,and its center of pressure is p(x,y,z). Pressure of M,N points are through the center of pressure by Ta...[繼續(xù)閱讀]


3.4.3 Differential equations of viscous fluid motion

    Viscous fluid,also known as the actual fluid. Derivation of differential equations ofmotion of a viscous fluid the same as above,but due to the presence of viscous stressstate than the more complex an ideal fluid. Here will not be detailed derivation,only...[繼續(xù)閱讀]
