n.① 摘要,梗概,說明書 / An abstract of each talk is printed in the conference programme. /每個講話的摘要都印在會議程序表上。/②抽象/ It should be noted that we use the term human labour in an abstract sense here. /請注意,我們在這里說的勞動力是抽象的勞動力......(本文共 603 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 n.① 摘要,梗概,說明書 / An abstract of each talk is printed in the conference programme. /每個講話的摘要都印在會議程序表上。/②抽象/ It should be noted that we use the term human labour in an abstract sense here. /請注意,我們在這里說的勞動力是抽象的勞動力......(本文共 603 字) [閱讀本文] >>