Appearing in some policies, the unexpected or undersigned cause of an accident; the “means” which caused the mishap must be accidental in order to claim policy benefits.指造成傷害事故的、難以預料或非故意的原因, 它們常在一些保單中列明。要獲得保單的受益給付......(本文共 211 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 Appearing in some policies, the unexpected or undersigned cause of an accident; the “means” which caused the mishap must be accidental in order to claim policy benefits.指造成傷害事故的、難以預料或非故意的原因, 它們常在一些保單中列明。要獲得保單的受益給付......(本文共 211 字) [閱讀本文] >>