(1) Drafty. “Its plenty airish in here.” (2) One who puts on airs or acts superior to others. “Hes real airish, aint he?”(1) 通風(fēng)良好的, 有縫隙風(fēng)吹入的, 如:“這兒通風(fēng)很好。”(2) 裝腔作勢的人, 擺架子的人。如:“他架子好大, 不是嗎?”......(本文共 157 字) [閱讀本文] >>
 (1) Drafty. “Its plenty airish in here.” (2) One who puts on airs or acts superior to others. “Hes real airish, aint he?”(1) 通風(fēng)良好的, 有縫隙風(fēng)吹入的, 如:“這兒通風(fēng)很好。”(2) 裝腔作勢的人, 擺架子的人。如:“他架子好大, 不是嗎?”......(本文共 157 字) [閱讀本文] >>